Sunday, November 18, 2007

Doubtfully yours

am i the only one who lacks direction or is it true for u too
am i the only one who seeks shelter
or is it common too

do u search for your identity just as i do?
do u look out for signs the way i do?

is it just me who knows not the way life is leading ?
or do u know everything that u do?

can u define what the mirror says to u?

do u actually know the person in there?

do u trust the plans laid for you?

do u believe what has been taught to u?

do u still think he's listening up there?

do u actually think someone's up there?

i wish i could answer myself, figure things out
but i still have that skill, i doubt.
it has been long since i trusted myself

has it happened with you too????

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Welcome to the jungle

Sometimes I wonder why do things and people change change beyond recognisation. is it so that nothing ever is reliable or is there something that u can bank on. something ..anything???? something that u can take for granted, something that u can lean back on?

i guess there is nothing that u should rely on. love it, enjoy it, bask on...till it lasts. u never know when suddenly the sets change, when every thing moves on.

i have seen the closest of frenz go apart. sometimes its lack of time, sometimes its change of priorities, sometimes its lack of inclination to sort out things. things just pile up and up, but the end result is same, u have fewer things that u know would last for sometime. does everything in life comes with an expiry date??? sometimes u can read the date, sometimes u can't. but u r being naive if u think that its going to stay. Nothing lasts forever... this should be the first lesson in school.

the only person who stays with u forever is the one in mirror. u come alone in this world, u leave alone. along the path, u meet people and u believe that they are walking with u. but its not so, its just that u are going the same way for sometime. as soon as the reason to walk together would not be there, u would change the path. no regrets, no guilts, only pain for some time. nobody is guilty, none is wrong, its just the way of life. "All men to themselves".

Man is a social animal, my social science taught me when i was a kid. Social or not, man still is an animal. Live your life, your own way. Welcome to the jungle!!!!