Paris Hilton--- what comes to ur mind??? A wild crazy socialite.... a hedonist... some one who is living life on the fast lane and enjoying every moment of it..someone who is a bad influence on kids.... true.. mostly.
Anybody who is known for reasons ranging from wild parties to sex tape and pet dog and tantrums cannot be sad . Every moment of her life caught on tape is screaming out... "I don't give a damn.. I don't care..."
She is young, beautiful, rich, famous, independent. She can do anything that she feels like, and has been testing the limits since a long time. What else can one demand? But somehow I feel that she is troubled.
We often think that those who have everything that we lack should be happy, that they have to be happy. But I disagree. We do not realize what they lack. Would success be so coveted if there weren't any failures? Doesn't anything that is in excess loose its worth?
We derive pleasures from simple things in life. From an unexpected hike in salary, to a good buy, to meeting some old friend after a long time ;all give us happiness. What if all relations of your life are replaced by money? And most of the people who come close to you are after your money? What if there is nothing that you are looking forward to? What if you have everything except love?
If the basic judgment of right and wrong are not well in place, if the sense of ethics and limits are not taught from the beginning, it is difficult to accept them later on. If nobody stops you from doing anything, if everything that you do becomes a style statement then how do you decide that you can be wrong at some point?
But then again, if there is nothing that gives you happiness. If you have grown above simple joys of life, then it is natural for you to search for happiness at the next level, ethical or not, legal or not. I get happy, if I find a solution after a lot of thinking; when I go home ; when I hear some old favorite song suddenly. Talking to old friends cheers me up, no matter what my mood be. I can't hurt someone, because I will feel guilty later on. If all of these are taken away from me and replaced by money, I might go on the downward spiral as well. If you lack the sense of guilt and values, you can do anything that you want. If simple available things stop giving you pleasure, won't you seek it somewhere else?
I believe she and many like her are just a victim, a prey of abundance.