"These are interesting times. We don't trust the government, we don't trust the legal system, we don't trust the media, and we don't trust each other! We've undermined all authority, and with it, the basis for replacing it! It's like a six-year-old's dream come true!"- Bill Watterson
“The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.” - Robert M. Hutchins quote
And this is not just for democracy, this is true for all good things possible. Honesty, truth, virtue, reason, morals, all can die, not because of antipathy but because of apathy. Not because we want to be evil, but because we don't care. We simply ain't bothered. We are too preoccupied to walk fast and fast ahead of each other that we ain't seeing where we are headed to. The civilization that started its development millions of years ago, when man first thought of living in groups, and has taken slow and steady steps towards growth will not lose to a powerful enemy, but to a weak one. An enemy nobody thought capable of harming anyone.
As I look around, I see how selfish we have become. How we don't think about anyone but ourselves. What does not directly harm me, doesn't bother me. I am blissfully ignorant that there are places where people don't have basic necessities. I casually ignore all the rape, murder, injustice stories. We have almost 50% reservation now, but how does it bother my sleep? I have my educational degree. We can't say for sure who the president is, but ask the cricket score... and boy, you have an answer. Ask about views on policies of government ,long and short term needs of country.. and peace prevails, ask about the reviews of latest movie and you can have a debate. Whether the world in general progresses or not that is for someone else to see, I should get what I want. "Deserve" the word belonged to past. Hook Or Crook is the new mantra.
I don't like the general trend of society now. I have seen degradation in the world and apathy in me. People actually think that cutting corners can take you for long; that moving on someone's back can take you anywhere, that dirty politics and bitching can substitute hard work, dedication and capability. Do they actually think that whether you work or not, you can reap benefits if you just make people believe so. Everybody seems to be playing the great game of pretense. Short term goals are all that one sees. Money, fame, power is the game.
What we lack in quality we try and compensate by quantity. Since, people live a shallow life, they try to feed their vanity. As if showing off all the money and matter bought by unscrupulous means can give you peace, if that is what you seek. As if flaunting a new girlfriend/ boyfriend every week can raise your level in some way. If you cannot look straight into the eyes of person in the mirror, it doesn't make much sense anyway.
What we do in our personal lives, same gets reflected in the international politics. Iraq , Palestine, Tibet are not to be talked by anyone except the respective countries. If there is a bully, so be it. How does it matter to me? People are dying from hunger in Africa and by war in Afghanistan. Does it affect me? No it doesn't.
And who is to blame for this? None but us. I believe that we have failed in many ways. We have been unable to pass right values. In our haste to pass the "Money-making" lesson, we skipped the moral classes. We have believed that end justifies the means. No It doesn't. It can't.
The universe is completely balanced and in perfect order.You will always be compensated in full for everything you do.
You will get what you deserve in long run. Nothing more, none less. And as someone said "Sometimes your ahead, sometimes you're behind...the race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself."
There are things that can be taken casually, and there are things that can't be. And integrity is one thing that can't be. No matter how high you rise, if you are not at peace with yourself, it is all futile.