Monday, August 4, 2008

Nobody knows

First things first:
Disclaimer: The ideas, opinions and views mentioned are totally of the author(thats me!!!) and have no relation with whosoever is publishing it. The author(thats again me) has no intentions to defame/ disgrace any one. Any damage caused is deeply regretted :)

I was watching TV tonight( nothing unusual there) and watching MTV Splitsvilla( again nothing unusual), and it made me think( now...there is a catch) where are we headed? As i was analysing various popular serials, MTV Splitsvilla, Roadies, Yo mama, it made me think what exactly are we doing? What message are we passing to the society?(if any) and if the sole motive of the channels is to make money( which according to me is justified), what we as thinking and rational beings are interested in?

For the uninitiated... I found that there are various Reality shows, where to succeed you have to be bitchy, play dirty politics and screw whoever you can. In short, if you have any morals, any bit of conscience, stay home. Stay home, stay away... and if you come, be prepared to get to the lowest level that you can think of( if you still have some sense of high and low present).

And then we have some great news channel, feeding the public, what exactly it deserves... junk..crap..story..gossip. If I am so interested in the love life of Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise... that is news. If I want gossip as to who said what to whom, who is sleeping with whom and how some unknown kid from some unreachable land is said to possess some unvanquishable powers... I will get exactly that. Served as breaking time...

I donot blame Government, afterall.. we chose our leaders and we have a democracy. I cannot blame channels, they have all rights to say what they think. And this is a game of demand and supply. They'll show what earns money. They never said they are doing charity. So, they are playing a perfectly fair game. Well, then who do I have problem with?

I have a problem with myself, with us as viewers... as promoters of crap. Since, we want gossips on front page of newspaper, news that needs attention gets lost... somewhere on the left corner of page 17. Since, we want to see pretty girls bitching, young kids screaming obscenities at the top of their voices, this is what we get. Exactly that. Someday... may be US will wage a war against or just annex Iran and we'll miss the news... happy at Angelina Jolie delivering babies.

I guess there is some sort of hidden desires or subdued criminal instincts present in us, that makes certain choices for us. May be Mr. Jekyll can't come out wide in open, but nevertheless has its time vicariously. Or may be, we have just sense of direction left, not the sight of goal. We know, that we have to grow in life... make money.. and we forget that the final aim might be something like, to be at peace with oneself. A state of knowing, accepting and being proud of who we are. A sense of pride in the morals and values that we stand by or should stand by.

I once thought what I would like to do, if complete human race gets embodied as one person, so that you can make sense of and talk to the whole world in one go. I guess I would like to hold him by his collar and shake him widely. Asking him to awaken... he is sleep walking. He is moving for sure, but Where he is going, what he is doing, he doesn't know. He needs one violent jerk.


only4blogs said...
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earthwire said...

I do not have any complaint against those who derive money from the system, I have raised the question to those who seek anything as an escape mechanism, and I have further more problem with those who do not mind corrupting the younger of race.

It is never difficult to find excuses or create them. As is said:
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.

And this is exactly what I don't like. We walk, rise, fall and then get up again. This is the way it is, should be, as long as we take failures as experiences, learn and move on; instead of blaiming the Govt., Society, Nature, Kismet....

I do not believe in changing people too much... there are certain things that we have to learn the hard way. I just want to mend my ways and I guess if all or at least many think this way, things will fall back in place.

only4blogs said...
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