Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hi.. Are you from India?
Yes.. And you? Which part?
I'm from Delhi? You?

And the whole conversation can continue in a language other than ours for hours without realizing so...
Why is it so that we Indians are always embarrassed of our identity? That we are the ones to hide the fact that we are Indians as much as we can? Why is it so that so many foreign models can have interpretors on the world ramp, but an Indian model cannot reach there unless she has decent polished Western English accent? Why do we treat anything Western as "To be copied"? Why do we think that those who cannot speak in English are unpolished and unworthy? Why do we rate ourselves as Second Rate Citizens?

We are the ones who would praise anything and anybody as long as it is not ours. We follow all the rules of any country other than ours and then say Indians donot follow rules. Asked to express our views about India we say India is poor, Indians are illeterate, places are polluted and people are superstitious. As if we ain't a part of it. As if we would be judged as someone who is not related to it. We fail to mention that we are a part of the oldest culture. That when West was hunting in woods, India was teaching at Taksheela. That India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. That India has given world basics of arithmetics and art. We casually forget Gandhi, Tagore and C V Raman.

We don't realize one thing. We are what we are "Indians" and that is what we would be judged on. There is no point in hiding yourself. Unless there is self respect, there cannot be respect from any other quarter.


Raju Athokpam said...

hmm... patriotic turns chauvinistic indians.Feels good to see it.

Sejal said...

hey akku.. nice blog as such, but I have a point here for your language comment ..

first of all, you yourself have written your blog in english right?

Unlike Germany or France, where ppl study in german or french language itself from school, we study in english. India today is the biggest country involved in global outsourcing where 'clients' are mostly the ones who communicate in english. In engineering or medical, we follow books in english. We read mostly english author's novels. All the websites refered by us in english. Our computers has windows/linux operating system in english. (In germany you find it in german!! Even their official documents!) So you know English language has become a part of our life which we cant just throw out.

But of course we have saved hindi although.. remember shayaries.. you will never enjoy them in english.. our bollywood movies.. bollywood music... which is most rocking today than the holywood music !!